Greek - Norse - Egyptian - Mythology Trilogy (Weaver)

Greek - Norse - Egyptian - Mythology Trilogy, by Stephan Weaver, 2015

These three books were released as a trilogy and I picked it up when they were available for free. Worth every penny I paid, and not a penny more.

You might also note that there is only one date in the title because all three books have a 2015 date. (Amazon lists them all as June to July 2015).

Basically, the three books are poorly organized, somewhat repetitive, and in need of an editor to fix ridiculous inconsistencies. (Like an Egyptian god with, apparently, two right eyes.) I was reading the kindle version and got to the "bonus chapter" of the Greek book -- and immediately wondered how I'd gotten to the bonus chapter already? How short was this book? Short. All of them. You could read the trilogy in an afternoon if you wanted to.

The books aren't very well researched. You could probably do better checking websites online. You'd probably find more information as well.

Thankfully, I didn't spend any money on this. Since I downloaded this on request from a newsgroup I saw a post in (actually, in a "subreddit"), I'll refrain from posting a reivew on Amazon, but there was little to this "trilogy".

Goals 2015: I'm not sure that I could count this toward anything. It was short, and written in the past year. Not much else to classify it.


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