Remember the Alamo (Rattle and Vale) -- Summer Reading Challenge
Remember the Alamo: Everything You've Ever Wanted to Know About American History With All the Boring Bits Taken Out , Alison Rattle and Allison Vale(2009) My summer reading challenge took me to the 900s, which is History and Biography. I went for something short and easy to read. In fact, in researching this book to put on this blog (I already returned it to the library), I discovered another version of it with a shorter title about "Bite-Sized pieces". Rattle and Vale (who spell their first names differently, so I can't call them "the two Al(l)isons") present snapshots of American history from the Pilgrims to Watergate, all in one-page snippets. Obviously, some topics require more pages to tell the complete story, but it's easy to break things like the Revolution into separate topics and events. Likewise, one-page biographies of important people are included and inserted into the otherwise chronological narrative at the time it would most se...