Doctor Who: The Writers Tale -- The Final Chapter (Davies, Cook)

Doctor Who: The Writers Tale -- The Final Chapter , Russell T Davies and Benjamin Cook (2010)

The second part of the ebook continues the correspondence between Davies and Cook past "The Journey's End" and through "The End of Time". For the uninitiated, that would be the last episode of Series 4 of Doctor Who through the last of the specials that followed that series, in place of a fifth series.

Once more you see the trials and tribulations of trying to run such a massive series. Lots of trivia, quite a few setbacks. Plenty of talk about Davies' old work, the search for a new Doctor, and the final shots of David Tennant as the Doctor.

And, of course, working with lots of secrecy, much of which gets blown one way or another (such as the careless reveal of Timothy Dalton in costume, leaving little wiggle room for whom he could be playing or what was coming back.)

Enjoyable to read, although I did want to skip to the end of some of the longer emails, particularly ones that didn't involve Doctor Who primarily.


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