Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Unidentified Funny Objects, Volume 1 (Shvartsman, ed.)

Unidentified Funny Objects, Volume 1, by Alex Shvartsman, ed (2012)

(Not a review, just some notes to help me remember the things I've read. But written this way because it's the Internet, and some people will stumble across this page.)

Okay, maybe this is a little bit of a review because I'm not really going to make notes about the stories.

UFO is an annual humore anthology. Number 8 was "Kickstarter-ed" earlier this year. I participated (and submitted a story unsuccessfully) and as an add-on, I bought Volumes 1, 2 and 3.

The first volume contains nearly 30 stories of fantasy, sci-fi, and "real life" (in a somewhat warped way). The stories are not necessarily UFO or alien in nature. That's just a cool title.

The humor ranged from mildly amusing to irreverently hysterical to what the hell did I just read? There were a couple I couldn't remember by the time I finished them -- particularly if I was reading them at bedtime and they knocked me out.

That's not a big criticism though. It's reflective of the nature of humor. No two stories are alike, so there's bound be some that you won't find funny. They may not be the same ones that I didn't find funny. And it's probably the reason that I read it from cover to cover without a break. Many times, I put anthologies down for a while after a few stories.

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