Of course, a monster would have a ghost writer!
You probably already know what you're getting when you pick up a book written by a Sesame Street Muppet. If not, the teeth marks and the missing bite in the corner should clue you in.
The book is similar to other inspirational books, with a quote or passage on each page or two. In this case, familiar adages, proverbs, nursery rhymes and even song lyrics appear, except rewritten in Monster-speak -- e.g., using "Me" instead of "I" -- and centering the quote around Cookies. But that is generally just the beginning. If Cookie Monster were to say "Ask not for who Cookie tolls, it tolls for me", it would be followed by whatever actions or thoughts might occur to a monster after saying something like that. And there might be an illustration.
There are Word of Wisdom, like Keep Calm and Eat a Cookie, and three recipes, complete with monster-speak directions. The first recipe is simple enough for young hands to try. The last is several pages long.
I'd glad I held onto this book. This was a "rescue book" -- one that was in a pile to be donated, where quite a few of them became books to be recycled. (The garage leaked a little.) I knew I would enjoy it, and I did.
It also reminded me to follow Cookie Monster on Twitter.