Jerry the Squirrel, Volume 1 (Robinson)
(Not a review, just some notes to help me remember the things I've read. But written this way because it's the Internet, and some people will stumble across this page.)
This was a freebie in a Book Bub list. Once again, I thought it might be something to share with my nephew. Unlike The Monkey God, this one could be -- except I realized after the fact that I do know how -- if there is a way -- to send something from my kindle to his.
Jerry's an inventor, as it states at the beginning of every story, but his inventions dont' seem to go as planned.
Not objectionable about the book, except I'm not sure who it's targeted at. It's a chapter book which might be, say, grade 4, but the story is for a younger audience. Maybe this would be a good read-around book for earlier grades, one story at a time.
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