Wednesday, September 15, 2021

An old Year-end Review for 2006

While cleaning up my hard drive, I found files where I kept track of the books I read for a given year. Someone had given me the idea (back in the 90s, I believe) to open a text file, and add the name of the book I'd read. What follows below looks like an "end of the year" post made to a bulletin board somewhere. It's past my time on Usenet. Many of these may have appeared elsewhere in this blog, if not the entire post itself. I'll post these files one per month.

It looks like 2006 wasn't a big year, but I did get a lot of graphic novels out of the library.

2006: The Year in Review

Asimov's Galaxy, Isaac Asimov

The Earth Lords, Gordon Dickson

i sing the body electric!, Ray Bradbury

The Transparent Life: 30 Proven Ways to Live Your Best, Naomi Judd

The Funhouse, Dean Koontz

The Joy of Pi, David Blatner

A is for Alibi, Sue Grafton

B is for Burglar, Sue Grafton

The Outsiders, S. E. Hinton

The End, Lemony Snicket

I started at least two other anthologies that I put down and will eventually get back to.

I had to return C is for Corpse before I'd finished it.

And there was another Math book, but I forgot to enter it, and I can't find the title.

I ended the year reading the introduction The History of the Peloponnesian War, by Thucydides.

Summer reading included a host of graphic novels the library got in:

"Gotham Central: In the Line of Duty"

"Batman: As the Crow Flies"

"JSA: The Liberty Files"

"Trinity" (Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman)

"Outsiders: Looking for Trouble"

"Batman: War Games"

"The New Teen Titans: Judas Contract"

B is for Burglar was a reread. The End was the lackluster end of that series. The Outsiders was assigned for grad school, and I don't remember much about it -- maybe I should watch the movie (which I haven't seen). I'm curious what the anthologies were because I have many that I've started and never picked up again but I keep meaning to. Summer's coming, and they would make great pool books.

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