ANALOG PLUS 50: Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact April 1972
ANALOG PLUS 50: Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact, April 1972 Update the photo This April issue of Analog has stories by Poul Andersen and Stanley Schmidt along with the beginning of a serial by Harry Harrison. For anyone finding these reviews, my purpose is two-fold: enjoying some "classic" sci-fi, and looking for stories that I think could be adapted for TV broadcast since so much of what shows up on anthology shows is rough to awful. Additional Note: I do NOT work in television. I just watch it. In this issue: The Editorial: "What Good Is It?". Serial: "A Transatlantic Tunnel, Hurrah!", by Harry Harrison. I know I'm falling behind with serials, but I definitely want to read this one. (Note that with the last serial Analog published, I took the book out of the library only to find that it wasn't the same version and it was late in a series of books.) Short Story: "Wings of Victory", ...