Famous Legends From Portugal (Abrantes)

Famous Legends From Portugal, Miguel Carvalho Abrantes (2021)

(Not a review, just some notes to help me remember the things I've read. But written this way because it's the Internet, and some people will stumble across this page.)

This was a freebie, and I was interested in legends other than the usual ones I see.

Divided into sections dating back to before Portugal was even Portugal, it's a collecton of stories about the stories. The tales aren't told, except as a summary of the legned (and sometimes popular variances). These are sometimes accompanied by travelogues, by which I mean, if it is the elgend is associated with a certain place, you are informed where that place is and what structures or artifacts remain from that time period. (Some have been completely torn down.

There are legends of kings and explorers along with religious legends and some famous people and places. Nothing that stands out, though, as I've finsihed two other books that I remember more.

Free ebook.


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