My Hero Academia Volumes 4 through 7
(Not a review, just some notes to help me remember the things I've read. But written this way because it's the Internet, and some people will stumble across this page.)
Thanks to the library app, Libby, which my sister-in-law just loves and uses exclusively, there are more volumes available electronically, and libby lets me zoom in a little on the tiny print between the larger word balloons. This is a game changer. Seriously.
These books are about an hour each to read. However, I need to finish the other book I'm reading so I can get to my book club book already.
As for these four volumes, the students have completed the Sports Festival competition, encountered the League of Villains, picked their hero names, had their first interships, and are getting ready for summer vacation camping in the woods.
It's all going according to the anime series, which was announced at the end of the sixth volume, with details to follow. You can see how some things were still not fully defined up to that point which were more solid earlier in the anime.
I don't know when it will diverge, and I don't know when any of the spinoff books take place. I'll read more of these, but I do have other stuff to get to.
The books were published in 2015-2016, but the English translations were about a year later.
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