Sunday, October 10, 2021

Ultraman Volumes 3 & 4

Ultraman Vol 3 & 4, by Eiichi Shimizu and Tomohiro Shimoguch (2016)

(Not a review, just some notes to help me remember the things I've read. But written this way because it's the Internet, and some people will stumble across this page.)

This is likely the end of my Ultraman readings. Not that I didn't enjoy it. It's very quick reading as it relies mostly on action. However, neither the Brooklyn nor the New York Public Library have volume five on their shelves, nor do they have it as an ebook. So unless I can find a copy -- and, no, I'm not likely to pay full price plus shipping -- here is where I put a pin in it.

The story continues with Shinjiro deciding if he will be Ultraman (get on with it already) and Moroboshi not really caring. Moreover, Moroboshi is ready to become Ultraman himself. The Science agency has developed its own Ultraman armor so he can be an Ultraman wannabe who doesn't have a problem with killing aliens. On the other hand, Shinjiro is provoked enough that he suddenly starts to fly with powers that he inherited.

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