Laura Childs (2014)

(Not a review, just some notes to help me remember the things I've read. But written this way because it's the Internet, and some people will stumble across this page.)
I was reading a YA book about an Elf saving Christmas and I decided that I didn't want that to be the first book I completed in 2025, so I put it aside. But what to read? Well, I recently got an email that an auidobook I had requested had become available at the library -- only to discover that I had listened to it a while back and the ebook was still not available. However, the next book in the series was. (I might've been waiting to read it so that I could read the previous installemnt instead of just listening.)
As a happy accidental bonus, this is the fifth book in the series, and on a Reading Challenge list I downloaded, reading the second or fifth book in a series (for the number 25) was one of the goals. Honestly, I'd thought about the goal of reading more "book 2" books this year since I start many series.
Eggs in a Casket opens at a cemetery on a rainy day. The weather will actually play a part in the plot with this one. It's Memorial Cemetary's 150th anniversary, and Suzanne and Toni are delivering flowers when they accidentally come upon Lester Drummond's body in an open grave right after they were almost sideswiped by Missy Langston who was speeding away.
Missy is a suspect, especially after it's discovered that Drummond had been tasered multiple times and a taser is found in Missy's house. (This is the kind of town where many people don't bother to lock their doors.)
Sheriff Doogie has his hands full, but does a competent job as always, even if it has to follow each lead wherever it goes, and if that means arresting Missy, so be it. Unfortunately, he's in a car accident and in intensive care for the last part of the book, leaving it Suzanne to figure out who did it, where Missy is, and possibly save Dr. Sam's life along the way.
I'm enjoying this series. I don't know that I'll start any of Childs' other series or any other cozy mysteries (paranormal or not) for that matter either. But I've add "Childs" as a tag, and at some point, I'll go back and add it to the others. If I start a second series, then maybe I'll add a "Cackleberry" tag, too. We'll see.
Okay, back to the elf.
If you stumbled across my page via the Internet, please check out my short book series, Burke Lore Briefs.

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